Thursday, April 10, 2014

4/10/14 My Digital Life

Kids, I'm going to tell you an incredible story, the story of how I met technology.  Twenty-five years ago, before I was Dad, I had this whole other life.  Before your time, there were computers, but touchscreens, retina displays, and digital personal assistants were new.  Today, of course, we have exceeded vastly beyond those days of technology.  Back then, we could not imagine what would evolve, we could only guess.  We tried to come up with broad ideas of what technology would be like in the future.  There were experts, like there are today, that predicted the future with scientific ideas and what not, but they never could have conceptualized what we have now.  Our place in that future was to decide if we wanted to embark on a career in technology and hand-pick the classes in high school and college that would assist us in exceeding towards our goals.  There are many careers in technology.  Say you want to work in a S.T.E.M. career.  S.T.E.M. stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.  Any career that works with any one of these is considered a S.T.E.M. career.  Professions such as forensic scientists, doctors, marine biologists, biochemists, and architects are included in that range of jobs.  If you wanted to work in a S.T.E.M. career, taking, algebra, biology, information technology, and computer science in high school would be for the best.  These classes would prepare you for whatever job you ended up with.  S.T.E.M. careers require classes prior to them to teach the basics of the material.  Graphic design is one that can used for a wide variety of different careers.  It can be used for advertising, comic books, and magazines.  Digital marketing allows for a wide variety of careers as well.  Software engineering is another example.  It deals with video games and various different types of experiments, such as a television show demonstrating the calculation of wind speed on the glossy exterior of a car.  Technology has changed nearly all jobs at least a little bit.  Teachers can now automatically track attendance electronically.  Gradebook software automatically calculates grades.  Teachers use multimedia to format fun, interactive presentations and set up online discussion boards, post due dates and schedules, and email additional information to their students.  Writers get in on the fun as well bending technology to their will putting to use their incredible imaginations.  Many of the typewriters of the past have been replaced by computers and other digital devices.  Business people can communicate with others all around the world.  Now products are available worldwide.  A larger audience means more demand, therefore more mula.  As you can see, technology has made a huge impact on careers today.  So much more can be accomplished in so little time.  I am grateful for technology and I hope you are as well.  I acquired much of my information from

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

4/2/14 My Digital Life

Cyberbullying is serious.  You might think that it is not a big deal, but it can be drastically change peoples' lives.  Many teenagers agree that it is a problem and should be stopped in its tracks, in fact, sixty-eight percent.  It is literally hazardous for your health.  The cyberbullied feel disattached and self-conscience about themselves.  The cyberbully is either doing it because he or she feels bad about him or herself or he or she is kidding or getting back at a friend.  The victim's grades usually drop.  He or she normally feels angry, sad, or mad.  Cyberbullying lowers self-esteem and spreads like mold on rancid cheese melting on a sizzling-hot, humid summer day on newly paved asphalt.  Results do not end there.  Some victims hurt themselves or worse.  Cyberbullies do not get away with it, though.  Detention, suspension, and expulsion from school are waiting for them alongside justice.  Some states even have misdemeanor charges or felony criminal charges.  The victim normally knows the cyberbully.  Eighty-four percent of the time, he or she is a friend or acquaintance of the victim.  One out of five times, you once considered the cyberbully your best friend.  Remember that if you are cyberbullied, it is not your fault.  Nobody has the right to criticize you.  You do not want to respond to the cyberbully.  You may say something you did not mean while caught up in the moment.  Blocking the cyberbully keeps their messages from reaching you.  Though, it can help to save copies of the hateful messages as evidence for later.  Screenshots are great evidence.  If necessary, take legal action, and contact the police.  If you see somebody else being victimized by a cyberbully, step in and help.  Tell your parents what is going on and let the victim know that you are there for them.  Try not to retaliate.  It would be to no avail.  The same defenses go for this occasion.  Take screenshots as evidence to help your friend and prove the situation credible.  Facebook, tumblr, twitter, kik, and all come with risks.  Do not post any personal information.  Social predators are on the prowl for accounts with such information.  If it still happens to you and you become a victim, the same rules apply.  Do not react immediately, tell your parents, and have evidence.  If you witness somebody else being cyberbullied, tell your parents, send an email to the website officials and block the cyberbully's account if it is possible.  Refrain from posting your feelings or emotions on social networking websites and applications.  They are invites to cyberbullying.  If you are a victim and the situation escalates quickly, delete your account.  Cyberbullying is a genuine offense and should be dealt with using the appropriate actions.  Whether you are the cyberbully or the cyberbullied, be careful.  Social predators stalk their innocent prey for eternity.