Thursday, September 12, 2013

9/12/13 Current Event

This week, we have discussed market economies, Karl Marks, and Adam Smith.  We paired up in groups and researched the two philosophers.  Afterewards, we wrote a dialogue of Karl Marx and Adam Smith having a potluck in Weserville to discuss their individual views on what kind of economy is the best and why.  The next day, all of the groups presented as everybody had a real potluck.  The activity helped us to step into the beards of the two men.  I would like to focus on Karl Marx and Adam Smith.  Karl Marx had a very strong opinion that an economy would run more smoothly if it was a command economy.  The people would be provided homes, food, and many other essentials.  Nobody would be homeless.  Everybody would have a job.  Adam Smith saw it differently.  He thought that if everyone worked for themselves, everyone including the state would be better off.  Julia and I had two endings.  In the first, Mr. Marx and Mr. Smith agreed on crating a primarily market economy with some command economy run parts included.  They called it America.  The alternate ending was not as promising.  Adam Smith did not want that economy.  He wanted a complete market economy.  Karl Marx and Adam Smith settled it like men, arm-wrestling.  Karl Marx won because of growing up in the working class, and a command economy rules to this day.  I really enjoyed presenting Julia and my dialogue.  This week has been pretty fun.  o:-)      


  1. I enjoyed both of your endings. I think it is interesting how Adam Smith called for a pure market with no government involvement. This would not work in my opinion.

  2. I thought it was a good idea and funny that you two had two endings and they both demonstrated different things, good job!

  3. I liked it. Karl marx's system is good except it hasn't been used to it's fullest potential. But Adam Smith's system needs some government.

  4. I agree that both Marx and Smith had good opinions and outlooks, just that each were interpreted differently. Marx's dream became communism which he didn't really want and Smith's dream became what we today call a free market economy. Good Job in your presentation. o:-)

  5. I liked that we had two endings also. I liked our second ending best though.
