Wednesday, October 2, 2013

10/2/13 Current Event

Most people think that we should look others in the eye when wanting to make a point.  Julai Minson, a psychologistand assisted professor at Havard's Kennedy School of Government, studies group decision making and negotiations.  She and her longtime collaborator Frances Chen, a physocologist and assistant professor at the University of British Columbia, realized that no one had studied that staring at someone will make the person more likely to see your point.  Most of the academic work has focused on what Minson calls "lovey-dovey contexts."  This is what mothers and their babies enhance their connection.  Recent studies, people respond more favorably to opposing arguments when the speaker looks at an angle to the recipient or focuses his eyes on his counterpart's mouth rather than eyes.  Dogs control others by staring them down and then attacking.  When somebody disagrees with you and they look you in the eye for a long time, it gives you the feeling of someone trying to dominate you.  Direct eye contact makes people less likely to change their minds.  Bosses, salesmen, and polititions all use a direct gaze when trying to convince an audience of many or one that their position is the most valid.  People, such as bosses, salesmen, and politicians should all look at an angle or at their opponent or customer more open to persuasion.  People in the businesses station of the Circular Flow Model should no longer use direct eye-contact.  It might affect the response of their opponents and customers.  

I aquired all of this information from my luxurious brain and the website of   


  1. This is very interesting. I did not know that looking someone in the eyed can actual persuade them.

  2. This could be the new big thing for salesmen, if they start using this they may be able to boost their sales and their incomes

  3. I get sort of intimidated when people stare at me so it might not make some people change there minds. I don't know. I like the way you tied the economy into a seemingly unrelated topic. :)

  4. Thats very interesting:) i love things about the human body and the effects of body language.
    One thing i read before was that when people ask to look them in the eye when they suspect someone of lying really good liars can look someone in the eye and tell them the lie without looking suspicious

  5. I personally think it is kind of awkward when someone looks at you in the eyes and talks for quite sometime though it can persuade them and it is better to do.
